Onion Architecture vs Clean Architecture: A Comparative Analysis of Two Modern Software Design Approaches

Waqas Ahmed
5 min readJun 16, 2023


A Comparative Analysis of Two Modern Software Design Approaches
Onion Architecture vs. Clean Architecture: A Comparative Analysis of Two Modern Software Design Approaches

Onion Architecture:

Onion Architecture is a software architectural pattern that promotes a loosely coupled and maintainable design for applications. It was introduced by Jeffrey Palermo in 2008 and is based on the principles of Domain-Driven Design (DDD). The architecture is named “Onion” because it consists of layers that surround the core business logic, similar to the layers of an onion.

Key Components/Layers of Onion Architecture:

  1. Core: This layer contains the domain model, which represents the business logic and entities of the application. It defines the essential concepts and rules of the application without being influenced by any external concerns.
  2. Infrastructure: The infrastructure layer handles the external concerns of the application, such as database access, file system interactions, or third-party integrations. It provides implementations for interfaces defined in the core layer, allowing the core to remain decoupled from specific technologies.
  3. Application: This layer contains the application-specific logic and acts as a bridge between the presentation layer and the core layer. It coordinates the interactions between different parts of the system and implements the use cases or application services.
  4. Presentation: The presentation layer handles the user interface and user interactions. It can be a web interface, a desktop application, or any other form of user interface. This layer communicates with the application layer to request and display data.

Benefits of Onion Architecture:

  • Separation of concerns and clear boundaries between layers.
  • Testability and maintainability due to loose coupling.
  • Flexibility to change or replace technologies in the infrastructure layer without affecting the core business logic.
  • Focus on domain-centric design and business rules.

Clean Architecture:

Clean Architecture is another software architectural pattern that emphasizes the separation of concerns and maintainability. It was proposed by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) as an evolution of previous architectural patterns like Hexagonal Architecture and Onion Architecture. Clean Architecture puts a strong focus on the independence of the core business logic from the external details of frameworks, databases, and UI.

Key Components/Layers of Clean Architecture:

  1. Entities: This layer contains the core business entities or models. They encapsulate the enterprise-wide business rules and are independent of any specific technology or framework.
  2. Use Cases/Interactors: Use cases encapsulate the application-specific business rules and orchestrate the flow of data between the entities and the external world. They represent the application’s behaviors and define the operations that can be performed.
  3. Interface Adapters: Interface adapters are responsible for converting the data between the external world and the use cases. They handle input/output operations, including UI components, database access, web services, etc.
  4. Frameworks and Drivers: This layer contains the external details and tools that interact with the application, such as databases, web frameworks, UI components, and external libraries. The core layers do not depend on this layer, keeping the business logic isolated and testable.

Benefits of Clean Architecture:

  • Independent and testable core business logic.
  • Flexibility to change frameworks or technologies without impacting the business rules.
  • Clear separation of concerns and maintainability.
  • Supports the SOLID principles and promotes clean code practices.

Both Onion Architecture and Clean Architecture aim to provide modular and maintainable designs for software applications. They emphasize the separation of concerns, loose coupling, and independence from external dependencies. The choice between the two architectures depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the project, as well as the development team’s familiarity with the patterns.

Let’s consider a simple example of a blogging application to demonstrate the differences between Onion Architecture and Clean Architecture. We’ll focus on the organization of layers and dependencies. Please note that the code snippets provided are simplified for illustrative purposes and may not represent a complete implementation.

Onion Architecture Example:

  1. Core Layer (Domain Entities and Interfaces):
namespace BlogApp.Core.Entities
public class BlogPost
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }

namespace BlogApp.Core.Interfaces
public interface IBlogPostRepository
BlogPost GetById(int id);
void Add(BlogPost post);
void Update(BlogPost post);
void Delete(int id);

2. Infrastructure Layer (Implementations):

namespace BlogApp.Infrastructure.Repositories
public class BlogPostRepository : IBlogPostRepository
public BlogPost GetById(int id)
// Implementation details to fetch a blog post from the database

public void Add(BlogPost post)
// Implementation details to add a blog post to the database

public void Update(BlogPost post)
// Implementation details to update a blog post in the database

public void Delete(int id)
// Implementation details to delete a blog post from the database

3. Application Layer (Use Cases):

namespace BlogApp.Application
public class BlogPostService
private readonly IBlogPostRepository _repository;

public BlogPostService(IBlogPostRepository repository)
_repository = repository;

public BlogPost GetBlogPost(int id)
return _repository.GetById(id);

public void CreateBlogPost(BlogPost post)

public void UpdateBlogPost(BlogPost post)

public void DeleteBlogPost(int id)

4. Presentation Layer (UI):

namespace BlogApp.Presentation
public class BlogPostController
private readonly BlogPostService _service;

public BlogPostController(BlogPostService service)
_service = service;

public void ViewBlogPost(int id)
var post = _service.GetBlogPost(id);
// Render the blog post details in the UI

public void CreateBlogPost(BlogPost post)
// Display success message or redirect to the blog post details page

// Other controller actions for updating and deleting blog posts

Clean Architecture Example:

  1. Entities

Same as in Onion Architecture.

2. Use Cases:

namespace BlogApp.UseCases
public interface IGetBlogPostUseCase
BlogPost Execute(int id);

public interface ICreateBlogPostUseCase
void Execute(BlogPost post);

// Other use case interfaces for updating and deleting blog posts

3. Interface Adapters:

namespace BlogApp.Adapters.Controllers
public class BlogPostController
private readonly IGetBlogPostUseCase _getUseCase;
private readonly ICreateBlogPostUseCase _createUseCase;

public BlogPostController(
IGetBlogPostUseCase getUseCase,
ICreateBlogPostUseCase createUseCase)
_getUseCase = getUseCase;
_createUseCase = createUseCase;

public void ViewBlogPost(int id)
var post = _getUseCase.Execute(id);
// Render the blog post details in the UI

public void CreateBlogPost(BlogPost post)
// Display success message or redirect to the blog post details page

// Other controller actions for updating and deleting blog posts

namespace BlogApp.Adapters.Data
public class BlogPostRepository : IBlogPostRepository
public BlogPost GetById(int id)
// Implementation details to fetch a blog post from the database

public void Add(BlogPost post)
// Implementation details to add a blog post to the database

public void Update(BlogPost post)
// Implementation details to update a blog post in the database

public void Delete(int id)
// Implementation details to delete a blog post from the database

4. Frameworks and Drivers:

// Configuration setup for dependency injection in the framework layer

// Registering dependencies in the framework layer (e.g., in a DI container)
container.Register<IGetBlogPostUseCase, GetBlogPostUseCase>();
container.Register<ICreateBlogPostUseCase, CreateBlogPostUseCase>();
container.Register<IBlogPostRepository, BlogPostRepository>();

In Clean Architecture, the focus is on the separation of concerns and independence of the core business logic from the infrastructure details. The interfaces and implementations are organized based on the use cases, and the interface adapters handle the conversion between the external world and the use cases.

In Onion Architecture, the emphasis is on layers surrounding the core business logic. The core layer defines the domain model and interfaces, and the infrastructure layer provides the implementations. The application layer coordinates the interactions between different parts, and the presentation layer handles the UI.

Both architectures share similar principles but differ in the organization and naming conventions of layers. It’s important to note that the code examples provided here are simplified for clarity, and in real-world applications, you would likely have more complex implementations and additional layers/components to handle various concerns.



Waqas Ahmed
Waqas Ahmed

Written by Waqas Ahmed

Microsoft Azure Enthusiast ☁ | Principal Software Engineer | Angular | React.Js | .Net Core | .Net | Azure | Micro Services 👉 https://bit.ly/3AhEyOz

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